Plot: After being sent to a sinister religious retreat by their stepfather, two siblings fight to escape in order to save their mother from harm. Podcast Chris discussing everything from costuming to actors. He...
Conclave (2024, Dir. Edward Berger, Starring: Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci, John Lithgow, Isabella Rossellini) 120min Here (2024, Dir. Robert Zemeckis, Starring: Tom Hanks, Robin Wright) 104min Didi (2024, Dir. Sean Wang,...
Working actor Jae Kim is stalked by a demonic vision the day of a big commercial audition, but when micro-aggressions steeped in industry politics leave him in the grips of depression, he questions whether he...
Saturday Night (2024, Dir. Jason Reitman, Starring: Gabriel LaBelle, Rachel Sennott, Cory Michael Smith, Ella Hunt, Dylan O’Brien) 109min Joker: Folie A Deux (2024, Dir. Todd Phillips, Starring: Joaquin Phoenix, Lady Gaga, Brendan Gleeson, Catherine...
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